Saturday, October 9, 2010

Flying away

These are the wings for my dragonfly. I have no excuse now but to add her to the corncockles.
These are good wings for a beetle. I saw a beetle in flight and its wings come out from under the hard outer wing cases (elytra). I have some beetle elytra somewhere and I may try an experiment......
These are for some fantasy bug yet to be born!!!

Now if life will get back to normal whatever that is I can get back to stitching.


  1. I'm really looking to see how you do these! What imagination, and beautiful work!!!

  2. Hey Fly Girl! Looks like you have really spread your wings -- they're gorgeous!

  3. Hello Shirlee--I have hot footed it over from Susan Es' blog having looked at your beautiful embroidery there (I wish I could take photographs like Susan can what a talent there as well!) I adore your wings and bugs above oh sigh I so wish I had Maureen Gleeson in my neighbouhood and to have had classes with Candice oh be still my envious heart. I love your embroidery Unreal
    love n hugs bear xoxoxoxox
