Back to Level IIII
I decided to make some more leaves and cabochon roses because I was not really happy with them. I traced the design of the roses and leaves onto the organza. Then I "wonder undered" the top of the roses with metal organza and the leaves with a cut our of metal

above is the top of the design
below is the bottom of the design
I decided to make some more leaves and cabochon roses because I was not really happy with them. I traced the design of the roses and leaves onto the organza. Then I "wonder undered" the top of the roses with metal organza and the leaves with a cut our of metal
above is the top of the design
below is the bottom of the design
next the tubes are added
the smaller of the roses has just the tubes surrounding it and the larger has tubes and sequins.
the leaves are tacked down and the centers are worked first then the outside using a variety of sequins, tubes or metal
the petals of the flowers are cut out of the metal organza basted together and gathered.
Here is the larger rose the outside is done in tubes and sequins and the first petal is sewn in along the pink section lines.
here are the roses finished.
here the leaves are completed and one of the roses.
Here is the finished product.
The title of Level IIII is Les Ambitieuses or Rose sculptures.